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Conflict Minerals

Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy

Mining is an intensive process involving potential social and environmental risks that, if not properly managed, may cause lasting negative impacts. Certain high-risk minerals (notably tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt) sourced from regions of the world with ongoing conflict carries a risk of funding organizations that are involved illegal or unethical activities including human rights abuses such as child labor, harsh working conditions, environmental destruction and corruption. A growing awareness of the abuses committed in these areas of conflict has prompted investigation into any supply chain tainted by these atrocities. The purpose is to report any abuses, and through disclosure, halt the sourcing of designated minerals via supply chains implicated in conflict zones.

Wolfspeed’s Commitment

Wolfspeed complies with applicable legislation and strongly supports industry-wide efforts to promote responsible sourcing, protect human rights, and combat child labor throughout supply chain. Our Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy aligns with our long-standing commitment to uphold and respect human rights for all people, including those who work in our supply chain. Wolfspeed does not directly procure minerals from mines, or the smelters or refiners that process them, but we influence upstream supply chain actors through our policies and practices. Our goal is to work collaboratively through the supply chain to source minerals consistent with our values around human rights, business ethics, labor, health and safety practices, and environmental responsibility.

Wolfspeed’s internal due diligence framework is designed to conform, in all material respects, to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Guidance) to determine the country of origin and chain of custody for high-risk minerals in our supply chain.

Wolfspeed communicates its policies to its suppliers and promotes responsible minerals sourcing throughout its supply chain. To promote responsible investigations of high-risk minerals, Wolfspeed uses the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and the Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) issued by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI).

Wolfspeed's Expectations of Supplier

To support responsible mineral sourcing, Wolfspeed expects its suppliers to adhere to the same high standards to which we hold ourselves. We require suppliers to:  

  • Adhere to Wolfspeed’s Code, relevant policies, and all applicable laws and regulations regarding procurement of responsible minerals and proceed with due diligence for conflict-affected and high-risks minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt);
  • Source only from smelters and refiners validated as conformant to the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process third-party assessment program;
  • Establish and maintain a publicly available policy on responsible minerals sourcing that aligns with the OECD Guidance to assure that the high-risk minerals in the products they manufacture do not directly or indirectly finance armed conflict in the DRC, as stipulated in our Supplier Code of Conduct;
  • Design and implement due diligence frameworks and management systems consistent with OECD Guidance to achieve responsible mineral supply chains;
  • Verify and inform Wolfspeed whether the minerals included in materials or component parts are conflict-affected or high-risk minerals;
  • Respond to Wolfspeed inquiries for reporting templates and due diligence information, and promptly implement corrective actions identified and requested by Wolfspeed;
  • Extend these expectations to their own suppliers.

If these requirements are not met, Wolfspeed will proactively work with the supplier to further develop their capabilities in responsible mineral due diligence to ensure alignment to Wolfspeed’s supplier requirements. Wolfspeed will terminate relationships with suppliers that do not make substantive and prompt efforts to comply with our policy.

If these requirements are not met, Wolfspeed will proactively work with the supplier to further develop their capabilities in responsible mineral due diligence to ensure alignment to Wolfspeed’s supplier requirements. Wolfspeed will terminate relationships with suppliers that do not make substantive and prompt efforts to comply with our policy.

Please contact Wolfspeed for any feedback on the information provided on this page.

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