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Innovation Through Collaboration: Introducing the Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum

Jun 13, 2022
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For years, Wolfspeed has built a reputation as a leader in Silicon Carbide (SiC) power components. Wolfspeed technology is at the heart of revolutions in automotive, energy, and industrial applications, and our SiC components have changed the game for high-power applications. Today, we are excited to introduce you to the Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum (forum.wolfspeed.com), a new Wolfspeed community that will help you make Silicon Carbide a part of your latest designs.

There is Power in Numbers

At Wolfspeed, we have long believed that the best innovation occurs through collaboration. This guiding principle is the foundation of our new Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum, where we bring together the best and brightest in design, application, and system engineering to ask questions, provide answers, and collaborate in real-time.

The Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum allows users to post questions, discover helpful tips, and connect directly with Silicon Carbide applications engineers.  Through technical dialogue with other engineers, you can quickly find solutions to common problems as well as discover new ways to incorporate Silicon Carbide-based solutions to make your designs better, faster, and more reliable.

Beyond participation in dialogue on the forum itself, you also have access to reach us through private chat. By connecting directly with the experts at Wolfspeed, you can tap into years of Silicon Carbide experience to choose the right products for your design and help speed your time to market.

We have also integrated an easy-to-use and accurate search engine so users can easily find answers to questions that other engineers have already asked.

Documentation – and Much, Much More

Think of all the times you have needed a simple piece of information and have spent hours trying to hunt down the relevant data sheet or application note – time that could have been spent innovating. On the Wolfspeed website, you will also find our knowledge base that makes this game of hide-and-seek a thing of the past, and hosts helpful resources like application notes, PCB layouts, schematic symbols, and reference designs.

With an easy to search inventory of helpful resources, finding the information you need is just a few keystrokes away. Plus, with Wolfspeed support, if you ever need help finding a product or specific reference design, we are here to help.

World Class Components, World Class Tools

Designing with Wolfspeed means your solution demands only the best in power technology. Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide is built to withstand even the toughest of power challenges and is built to last. To make designing with Wolfspeed even better, we are proud to offer the SpeedFit 2.0 Design Simulator. This new iteration of SpeedFit is the industry’s most comprehensive system-level circuit simulator for Silicon Carbide technology.

With this tool, engineers can accelerate the design process by quickly receiving information on losses and junction temperatures. This information comes from real-world lab data from common topologies like simple buck and boost converters to more complicated designs like bi-directional totem pole PFCs. SpeedFit 2.0 will help you not only find the right product for your design, but also compare performance across different designs.

Getting Started with the Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum

Whether you are a Silicon Carbide pro or are just starting out with Wolfspeed’s Silicon Carbide technology to replace your traditional silicon-based designs, getting started with the Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum is easy. With just a few clicks, you can easily register and start communicating with engineers across the globe to find answers to common challenges, share success stories, and discover new ways to leverage Wolfspeed tech to make your designs better.

Every day, the Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum gets better, with new users and content coming online to help fuel your Silicon Carbide success story. From discrete and module products to general questions and design solutions, there is already a wide variety of knowledge ready for you to tap into.

To get started, simply visit the Wolfspeed Power Applications Forum and click “register.” Your information is kept confidential and company information and location are not displayed. Be sure to check out our Knowledge Base and FAQs for helpful information on how to get the most out of the Wolfspeed Applications Forum and Wolfspeed tools. We look forward to collaborating with you as you use Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide to take your designs into the future of power performance.

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