Power Modules

Unboxing the 25 kW Three-Phase Inverter Reference Design


The 25 kW three-phase inverter reference design CRD25DA12N-FMC is a comprehensive tool designed to help engineers quickly evaluate power electronic system performance right out of the box. The design is based on a two-level, three-phase inverter topology. It uses a single six-pack Wolfspeed WolfPACK™ FM3 power module for intended applications such as industrial motor drives, power supplies, and renewable energy applications. 

Learn more about the Wolfspeed WolfPACK power module platform. Or, if you’re ready to get started, you can purchase the 25 kW reference design now and begin downloading all supporting user guides, design files, and simulation files. 

For further design tips from the Wolfspeed technical community, join the Power Applications Forum for direct access to expertise from Wolfspeed engineers. 
